West Georgia TV was started in 2018 by a group of storm chasers. This storm chasers are a christian team of men & women who enjoy chasing storms, covering live breaking news stories, and providing news worthy stories that the public needs to know about. Safety & News Worthy Stories.
West Georgia TV is the first real new media tv not owned by a liberal media corporation. We do not hype up media stories to feed into the lack minded media. We are here to provided real news as its happening & give you the true facts and not what we think is happening. This is a group of people who want to provide you with what's really happening in our local community area.
News, Weather, Sports & Church Related Programming. The one thing west georgia doesn't have.
Coverage Area
We Currently Cover:
- Carroll, Haralson, Heard Counties In Georgia
- Cleburne & Randolph Counties In Alabama
And thank you for allowing us to be apart of your family & in your home as we promise & strive to provide you with great service.